Boulder, Colorado

photos, stories & tips from my travel in Boulder
Bare trees shine white in the bright sunlight in a rustic field on the outskirts of Boulder, Colorado.
Strands of drying brown vegetation reach upwards toward a blue sky in a field near Boulder, Colorado.
The city of Boulder glimpsed from behind the silhouettes of tall pine trees as the moon rises and the sun sets.
Huge red rocks covered with moss lean precariously on the edge of a mountain while the moon rises over Boulder, Colorado.
Panoramic view of Boulder, Colorado as the sun sets on a December day.
Twisted trees stand in a bed of stone overlooking a Rocky Mountain sunset at Lost Gulch Overlook near Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder, Colorado.
The Flatirons rise in a nest of pine trees behind a winding trail at Chautauqua Park in Bouolder, Colorado.
Strewn garbage along a gate marks the entrance of a rail line into Valmont Power Station in Boulder, Colorado.
Smokestacks, utility poles and power lines segment the sky at Valmont Power Station in Boulder, Colorado.
There are four legs.
Electrical transmission towers balance a pair of orange balls between them in front of Valmont Power Station in Boulder, Colorado.
Spooky tree over creepy creek blocks the afternoon sun in front of Valmont power station in Boulder, Colorado.
Power poles, transmission towers and electric lines converge at an electric substation near Valmont Power Plant in Boulder, Colorado.
Moon rises while the sunset casts a purple glow behind a lone tree at Legion Park in Boulder, Colorado.
The sun retreats behind the Flatirons with its blanket of clouds at Legion Park in Boulder, Colorado.
Valmont station power plant sits between the resevoir and the snow-capped Rocky Mountains in Boulder, Colorado.